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What We Believe

Triune God

There is only one true God, and He is both one and three, making Him a triune God. This consists of the eternal existence of The Father (God), The Son (Jesus), and The Holy Spirit. 

God, The Father, is the creator of the universe, and He is the provision of all things. He created Adam, Eve, and the rest of humankind in His image. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth for the salvation of all. He has and continues to call all people back to Him with love and truth. 

Jesus Christ, The Son, was with the Father and The Holy Spirit during creation and the beginning of time. He has always been a part of all things, even before coming to Earth. He came for the salvation of all but must be accepted by each individual. He came down from heaven and was divinely birthed from Mary by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is fully God and fully man, who will return to earth for His children, those who believe in Him, to live eternally with Him. 

The Holy Spirit is God who was with He and Jesus in the beginning. The Holy Spirit was provided to the church fully at Pentecost. This was the start for the Apostles to preach the gospel. The Holy Spirit is capable of illuminating sin, directing the path, and cleansing those who accept Him. Baptism is done in the Holy Spirit.

The Bible

It is the inspired Word of God breathed into human authors. It is true. It is unfailing and dependable, no matter the opposition. Both Old and New Testaments are true and are the firm, immovable, and final authoritative foundation of our faith. It is not to be added to, subtracted from, substituted for, or twisted to fit anything or anyone other than what it says. It is all that is needed as a guideline or blueprint for how Christians are to live in this world. There is no book or literature above it.


The greatest product of and free gift of love there is. There is no deed or performance produced that could warrant salvation. It cannot be earned and is freely given to those that make the proclamation of one’s personal acceptance of Him into one’s life as Lord and Savior. It is a gift for people that genuinely choose God. The product of this gift is living a life that loves and is obedient to what God has called us to be and what He has called us to do.

Jesus' Return

We firmly believe that Jesus will return. We believe in the resurrection of the saints, the millennium, and the final judgment. We believe that there will be a final judgment day that all will face for everyone’s place in eternity, based on their relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that there will be a new heaven and earth because that is what the Bible tells us.

Christian Booklet


We will OBEY

We will LOVE

We will GROW

We will provide TRUTH

Our mission is to help people realize that God is real. The God of the Bible and what He has said through His word (the Bible) is truth. We are here to help people understand that God loves them deeply and that it is never too late for anyone to return and remain in Him.  We are to provide hope to those that are facing any type of difficulties. Hope is found in Jesus' death for humankind on the cross along with what the Bible says to be true about His steadfast love for us then and today.

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